Who does not know them, the many naked yoga girls?
Since 2012 I run my nude yoga portal and try since then with more or less success to spread nude yoga in the world. And by that I mean naked yoga and not sex, porn and the like. There is already more than enough of that. In countless videos I show myself completely naked during my yoga exercises. Who knows my videos, knows that nudity for me is something quite normal and even for me specifically something very important.
Naked yoga is therapy for me and the most natural thing in the world.
But honestly, all these naked yoga girls on the Internet sometimes really upset me!
Why that is so, you will learn in this post.
Sex Dot Com
Did you know that the domain sex.com is number ten in the ranking of the most expensive domains in the world. Most recently, it was reportedly sold for $14 million.

Nacktyoga.net, on the other hand, is (still) available at a much lower price:).
"Sex Sells" - that's the well-known marketing and advertising slogan. Naked skin always attracts and lets the sales figures shoot up.
And under this fact I have to suffer now for almost 10 years. With the topic "naked yoga" most think first of eroticism and sex.
When searching the Internet, you will quickly find pages with many beautiful nude yoga girls. The only problem is: these girls have as much to do with nude yoga as the pope has to do with pole dancing. Hardly any of them are yoga teachers or at least practice yoga regularly for themselves.
They are pretty and flexible - and that's usually it. In the end, you end up on some soft or hard porn sites.
What Naked Yoga Really Is!

Naked yoga has nothing to do with all this sex stuff.
Yoga does good and helps people on many different levels. This has now been studied and confirmed in countless scientific studies. Yoga courses are sponsored by many health insurance companies and businesses.
People who do yoga regularly are healthier, more balanced and happier.
Naked yoga is like "turbo" yoga, it amplifies and accelerates the positive effects in yoga many times over.
Why? Because yoga. besides the many physical exercises, is ultimately about engaging with your own mind. In this sense, the body-oriented Hatha Yoga is only the preliminary exercise to prepare the body for the real thing: Engaging with the mind.
Ultimately, our thoughts are responsible for our lives. The Talmud, one of the most important Jewish scriptures states:
"Watch your thoughts, for they become words; watch your words, for they become actions; watch your actions, for they become habits; watch your habits, for they become your character; watch your character, for it becomes your destiny!
Naked yoga is professed self love
We learn to accept ourselves as we are, with all our little faults and weaknesses. It is important to focus on your strengths - and yes, we have them too, instead of always dealing with your shortcomings.
That's why Naked Yoga makes us strong and flexible not only physically, but also mentally. That's exactly what I understand Naked Yoga to be and that's exactly how I teach and practice it. Despite or because of the many nude yoga girls on the internet.
Yours Elke