Naked Yoga with Elke
Videos, seminars, classes & live streams with yoga teacher Elke Lechner.
Welcome to Germany's largest naked yoga site!
Over 200 videos on the practice of naked yoga, instructions, fitness, workouts, many photos and information await you here. Learn more about the lightness of being - with yoga without constraints.
Are you ready to leave your comfort zone and immerse yourself in the world of naked yoga?
Yes, you heard right - naked yoga! 😀
It's time to roll out your mat and take your postures to a whole new level, naked!
Now you might be thinking: "Naked yoga? That's crazy!"
But hey, who said yoga always has to be done in leggings and tank tops?
It's time to shed your clothes (literally) and free yourself from all the baggage. Say goodbye to the constraints of clothing and embrace the freedom to let yourself go in your exercises.
And you know what's best?
You can experience all of this in my exclusive members area! There's a wealth of naked yoga videos and photos waiting for you to discover. Whether you're a beginner or already an experienced yogi, the content has something for everyone.
So what are you waiting for?
Sign up now and immerse yourself in a world of freedom, fun and, of course, yoga - without clothes!
Hello, my name is Elke!
Yoga teacher, nude yoga teacher and fitness instructor. I also work as a model on the side. I love to show myself, love yoga and fitness and the feeling of being completely free when naked.
On my pages you will find many videos, photos, tutorials & workouts about yoga, naked yoga and fitness. In my videos I attach great importance to a detailed and accurate presentation, as well as an anatomically correct execution.
In my members area you will find almost 200 videos and instructions for beginners but also advanced yoga exercises and sweaty naked yoga fitness workouts. I invite you to have a look around.
All the best, Elke
Follow me on Instagram!
Experience the ultimate yoga experience and connect with your body and mind on a deeper level.
Try nude yoga and learn to accept your body in its natural beauty and free yourself from societal expectations.
Feel the powerful energy and freedom that comes from connecting your skin to the world around you. With naked yoga, you can take your yoga practice to a new level and achieve deeper body awareness, heightened mental clarity and spiritual connection.
Get ready for an unforgettable journey of self-discovery and discover your inner strength and beauty. Try naked yoga today and experience the power of nudity!
"When I practice yoga completely naked, I honor every part of me and experience the feeling of wholeness and connectedness with everything. Practicing yoga naked goes far beyond ordinary nakedness and leads to a deeper understanding of the human condition!"
Why naked yoga?

Naked yoga leads you to your inner self, your core, your true self, which is free from constraints and conventions. With the removal of clothing in naked yoga, you also figuratively discard everything external. Suddenly you are confronted only with your naked existence. The facade is gone, all protective layers have fallen and you discover who you really are.
When you practice naked yoga, you will benefit on many different levels.
- You learn to overcome fears and cross borders
- You develop courage and self-confidence
- You get a better (healthy) relationship with your body
- You discover who you really are
Although we are born naked, we often feel uncomfortable in this natural state of being. When we learn again to accept ourselves as we are, with all our avoidable weaknesses and flaws, naked and vulnerable, we suddenly discover a deep inner sense of strength and freedom. Recognizing this inner strength leads us to a deep relaxation.

Now a senior citizen, I have been attending yoga classes since the 90s, mainly at the adult education centre. Now I enjoy Elke's classes online. She is the best yoga teacher I have had so far.
Even through the videos she radiates warmth. Elke explains very precisely with anatomical background as a former nurse. She burns for yoga, so she sometimes speaks a bit energetically, but always appeals for consideration and orientation to the respective state of body and mind of the students, because yoga is not a sport, but health promotion with spiritual foundations.
All the best for Elke,
Erich, Germany
Listen to what my participants and this man who has Parkison's disease say about my naked yoga:
Radio report and interview with Elke in German - Radio Sachsen
"By no longer clinging to externals, we develop unimagined inner strength and are rooted in a deep primal trust."
Elke Lechner about Nackt Yoga / Nude oder Naked Yoga.
What does naked yoga mean for me personally?

Naked yoga for me is more than "just" practicing yoga naked. Naked yoga gives me a sense of freedom that you may not be aware of and that I have never experienced like this before. Naked yoga has changed my life in a positive way. I have learned to accept myself as I am. I have learned to overcome boundaries that are only in my head and really be who I really am.

Check out my video where I tell you about my site:
"Practicing yoga naked is also a liberating self-love. The passing of clothing and accepting what is there led me to the most profound and poignant moments in my life!"
Elke Lechner about Nackt Yoga / Nude oder Naked Yoga.
In my members area you will find:

Over 200 naked yoga instructional, exercise and workout videos await you. And every week a new video is added.
I love to be photographed. In my photo gallery you will find many vacation and private photos, but also professional shoots.
Join in. Every Tuesday you can watch me live doing naked yoga. 90 minutes live - a complete naked yoga lesson.
All my members will receive an email from me every week with a new nude yoga video. You can look forward to it every week!
Naked Yoga Membership
Sign up now for a Premium Membership
89,90 Euro for 6 months Premium Membership.
- Access to over 250 instructional and practice videos
- Access to my large photo gallery
- weekly a new live exercise video
- Every week a brand-new naked yoga video from me via E-Mail
Secure and anonymous. All statements, bank statements, etc. will say "Online Yoga Courses". Payable with all major payment methods.
What does yoga mean?
Yoga is a Sanskrit term meaning unity, union, bringing things together. Unity of body, mind and soul. Yoga leads you back to the source of being, your being. At the origin, where everything began, everything was one and the feeling of oneness was omnipresent. Today, most people live in the feeling of lack and run after the elimination of lack. Yoga brings you to peace and lets you realize that all that is essential is already there and that abundance is omnipresent in your life. Realizing this gives you freedom to live in the fullness and existence, the oneness with all that is.

How did naked yoga come about?
Naked yoga or "nagana" yoga has a long tradition and can be traced back to ancient times.
The Indian Naga Sadhus chose nudity as a sign of purity and to break with the material side of human life and the constraints and demands of human life. For many people nudity is still a taboo subject and the thought of showing oneself naked and completely defenseless is unimaginable. The love and acceptance of one's own body is one of the most challenging but also most rewarding challenges to face. The Indian sadhus still practice this "naked" kind of yoga today and increasingly people in the West are recognizing this wonderful opportunity to dissolve material and emotional bonds.
8 Reasons Why You Should Start Naked Yoga:
What my customers say about me and my site
Over 1,200 enthusiastic and satisfied customers worldwide. You too can become part of this great community!

Hi Elke i really enjoy your videos and have been a member for a number of years. I also follow rhyanna watson and wonder if you could do some items similar to hers? looking forward to your ongoing work Ben
Sweet Elke Where am I so happy to be a member of your naked yoga site. You're just the world's best yoga girl a skilled teacher you are soooooooooooo sweet and lovely I can see you do yoga med your wonderful Heart and you take Heart with I am a great fan of you I love you so much. You will alway be in my Heart Big Hugs and Kiss from Your fan in Denmark Bjarne
John J
This is the best yoga instructional site that I have ever come across. Elke provides very clear directions, and her demonstrations of correct technique are inspiring. She does more than just explain the asanas, going on to expound the philosophy of yoga and meditation. Her flexibility and poise in the videos are beautiful to watch, and illustrate the physical toning and conditioning that regular dedicated practice can develop.
Ciao Elke, i am Francesco from italy, i follow you on Facebook and Instagram. It is amazing how you can give to us a lot of special emotions when you move all muscles of your naked body to attive on benefit. With your naked yoga you show your body and it is not vulgar but it is really art,sport,sensuality and nature. I would be to try naked yoga in real but in italy there aren t school. But thanks so much because i can see you now. And i think that all in your body is perfect. I like too how you can stretching and live in batterio mood. Best regard!
Hi Elke, we met a few years ago because of private lessons. From the first moment I was an "Elke fan". Your excellent professional and personally authentic way make it very easy to dive into the subject of nude yoga. Your presence on the internet is impressive. As a new member of the premium area you get an even more intense insight into what naked yoga means. It's fun to watch your videos and actively participate. I will recommend your website to others. Keep it up! Many love greetings and Namasté Ralf
Hello Elke, thank you very much for your great website. First of all, I would like to express my absolute respect and esteem that you put your nude yoga videos on the Internet. I myself am a passionate nudist and very much like to be naked, but I prefer to keep that to myself. You come across incredibly natural in the videos and above all one notices that you are on fire for "yoga" and one immediately feels that you are an absolute expert in yoga. Your videos and your website are perfect for me, so I have no suggestions for improvement. I look forward to each weekly video with me. Stay as personable and natural as you are. If there were more people like you, we would live in a much better world. Many love greetings from Baden-Württemberg Uli
Rudolf Graf
Dear Elke, what I have seen in the few days on your site and videos is not to be topped. Your honest, open-minded and open nature is palpable and animates everything to join in. You convey the exercises with such dedication and precision that being naked is simply completely normal (faded) and stands for a correct showing of the exercises. Many thanks for this, only in this way it is possible for beginners (in front of the screen) to learn correctly and without injury under your guidance. Kind regards Rudolf
Hello dear Elke. I have been a member for over 2 years now and I don't regret a single minute. The knowledge you impart about yoga and naked yoga is really unique. You always manage to explain complicated things in a simple way, so that even I as a yoga beginner can follow along. Your anatomical knowledge is terrific and your videos are great. Thank you for your weekly motivation and inspiration. Please keep it up. Love from the Allgäu, Marcel.
Your videos are very informative and are full of information about the stretches and the purpose of each I believe that most people and myself would get a lot from watching and working out with you Your nude videos are not only invigorating you can also see the muscle groups working and your in great shape
Henrik r
Dear Elke First of all, thank you so much for your wonderful videos. You are such an inspiration. I enjoy watching and learning new exercises from you. I have, as many other my age, some problems with my back. I work out 4-5 times a week, but every morning i have to do exercises home before going to work. I do some of the exercises learned from watching you and are doing much better now ? I live in Denmark and now and then i am visiting a friend in Hallenberg. He has a gasthouse for motorcyclists. I Love to drive my bike on the wonderful roads in Sauerland. It is close to your home in Mescheden and i would really like to have a privat lesson with you some time. Maybe it can be arranged some time. Looking foreward to you next video. All the best from Henrik
Hi Elke,
I just wanted to say I am really enjoying your yoga videos since I joined last week.
I have done a few now and while I am not very good at it, I am determined to get better.
BTW you look so great in the videos and you are a beautiful person. You make me want to be better.
Thank you.

My naked yoga classes are educational, entertaining and motivating. Follow me into the wonderful world of naked yoga!
Sign up now and become a member!
89,90 Euro for 6 months Premium Membership.
Secure and anonymous. All statements, bank statements, etc. will say "Online Yoga Courses". Payable with all major payment methods.
Yoga and naked yoga have nothing to do with age. In other words, you are never too old, but also not too young for yoga or naked yoga. Yoga works on the physical and mental level. Especially if you are a bit older, you will benefit a lot from yoga on the physical level. Yoga improves your flexibility and strengthens your entire body. Yoga and nude yoga are the best and most natural anti-aging program.
This is absolutely normal and happens especially with beginners. The reason is that we still have so many images and prejudices in our heads, especially at the beginning. The thoughts are restless and jump back and forth. If you practice naked yoga more often, these thoughts will largely disappear. The longer you practice naked yoga, the more you will turn your gaze inward.
Naked yoga is yoga in which the processes are extremely accelerated. You will make progress in much less time. Often we hide behind our clothes so that we don't have to deal with our true being and body. All this is eliminated in naked yoga. If you practice naked yoga regularly, you will not only feel more comfortable in your body, but you will also become stronger on the spiritual and mental level.
Any more questions?
Here you can simply write me a message:
I look forward to seeing you!
Namasté your Elke