Your back hurts, your shoulders and neck are tense because you had to sit for a long time?
Then today's weekly video is just right for you.
In this video I'll show you four great exercises you can do if you've been sitting for a long time at work or at home.
The exercises will make your back flexible again and relax your shoulder and neck area.
You can decide...

You can be angry about what is not or be happy about what you have.
You can worry or trust in life.
You can be bitter inside or give yourself love and appreciation.
You can feel lonely or direct your thoughts to feeling connected.
You always have a choice...
Every morning when you get up..., with every breath.
Decide now! Become free and happy!
"The last of human freedoms consists in the choice of attitude toward things."
Viktor Frankl, psychiatrist, Holocaust survivor and founder of logotherapy ... still say yes to life.
A psychologist experiences the concentration camp
All love
Yours Elke