Juli 23


By Elke

      • Instead of thinking wow is she pretty you think what is her story? What does it all mean?

        • Hi Phil,
          Why are you asking me this? I had written in the comment that it was just a shoot for a model agency without any background. Therefore I do not understand your question?
          greetings Elke

          • I’m referring to the first photo where you are just standing. Looking downwards to your left, maybe about to take a step. That’s a powerful photo.
            The questions were questions I was asking myself. Even if I knew it was just a shoot for a model agency that photo would have grabbed me in a way the others did not.

  • Very sexy pose. Your legs are pussy look the hottest I’ve seen so far that you have posted.

      • Hi Elke….I’m not sure why the videos and photos do not work. When I click on them the video does not start working and the photos do not enlarge like they did the first time I tried them 1 week ago. I think there is a technical problem with my subscription. Can you please check to see if this problem can be fixed so I can view more of your sexy videos and photos.

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