
Preparation for advanced Koundinyasana ll 

by  Elke

Hello today it's getting serious, er I don't mean easy 🙂

It's about Koundinyasana II - and it really is quite a challenging asana. What do you need?

Hip flexibility, strength, courage and my guidance:)

But the rule is: Trust the teacher! I will prepare you and guide you safely into this asana.


Thought experiment

What if you could get some control over the voice that keeps talking in your head?

What would it be like if it didn't always cause you so much anxiety, fear, anger or whatever else?

What would your life be like if your mind wasn't always working against you, but for you?

When you wake up in the morning and look forward to yourself, the day and life.

When you go through the day calmly and always in a good mood - no matter what is happening to you.

If you had a constant feeling of contentment, strength and positivity inside you.

To be too beautiful and true?

No, not at all.

There is a way in which you can achieve all of this.

Yoga, naked yoga, meditation and mindfulness.

The first and most important step is:

Letting go. Let go. Less, not more.

You don't need anything new or different.

You already have everything you need for a happy life - within you.

Undressing, being completely naked in naked yoga stands for shedding all external things.

All ideas and habits.

Admittedly, it takes a bit of courage, especially the first time.

But all those who have done it, and I have experienced this many, many times in my private naked yoga classes, report an incredible feeling of freedom and relaxation.

There is a way to go through life differently than you are used to.

Admittedly, it's not easy, but it's certainly not impossible.

Anyone can do it. Even you!

You don't need a miracle or something mysterious to suddenly appear in your life.

All it takes is a decision.

Your decision to want to change something in your life.

So what are you waiting for?

It's best to start today.

Choose yoga and naked yoga.

Decide on a new life.

I'll help you with that.

All my love

Your Elke


Hallo, ich bin Elke. Seit meinem 16. Lebensjahr praktiziere ich täglich Yoga. Ich liebe und lebe Yoga, Nacktyoga und Fitness. Folge mir hier in die Welt des Nacktyogas.

Hello, my name is Elke. I have been practicing yoga every day since I was 16 years old. I love and live yoga, naked yoga and fitness. Follow me here into the world of naked yoga.

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