In this video I show you how to practice and improve the forward bend with the help of a wall bar.
The forward bend in yoga is a wonderful exercise. On a physical level, it stretches the back of your legs and lower back.
But perhaps more important is the effect on the spiritual and mental level. Thus, forward bends have primarily a centering effect. Even the position of your body, depending on your progress, shows a clearly introverted posture. So after a stressful day, pre-bends can help you turn your distracted mind inward and come back to yourself. Shoulders and neck can relax, and the weight of the day can fall away.
What's essential in all preventative care? That's right, letting go. You won't make much progress in pre-bends with force and violence. The recipe for success is patience and softness. The better you can let go, the deeper you will be able to sink into the stretch.
Wrong thinking...

Do you ever think that if you just try hard enough, meditate enough, jog enough, or eat well enough, your life could be perfect?
As if you could bring life under (your) control.
Unfortunately, wrong thinking!
What you're doing is striving for security and perfection, and you don't even notice how you're slowly killing yourself in the process.
Died in your mid-forties, buried at over 90.
By trying to control everything, you kill the moment and cut off the flow of fresh air coming into your life from the outside.
In this way you are setting yourself up for your own failure, because sooner or later you will have experiences that you cannot control:
Your house will burn down, you will be abandoned, someone you love will die, you will learn that you have cancer, or a brick will fall from the sky and hit you in the middle of the head.
The trick is to endure the uncertainty of life, not panic when we are disappointed yet again, and even try to relax into it.
Admittedly, this is not easy, but it is worth the effort. Because it is the only way to enjoy life in all its facets.
To realize that nothing is the way you think it is. Things are always changing, that's real life.
If we you learn this, then you will remain open to the daily miracles and achieve true freedom in life.
All love
Your Elke