Virasana literally means "hero's pose".
Effects of the hero pose:
Vira means hero, fighter, warrior. The classic hero's seat (Virasana) is a possible sitting posture in meditation and also has many positive effects on the body.
For example, in this seat especially the legs can relax from long standing or walking. This is ideal for those who have to stand a lot at work. If the legs feel heavy or are even swollen, this is the perfect exercise for relief and well-being. But runners and athletes who put a lot of stress on their legs will also benefit from this exercise.
So watch the exercise sequence in my video right now and try the exercises
This is how you master every yoga pose and your whole life!
What is the recipe for success in yoga and in life in general?
- Master your outer world
- Master your inner world
Imagine you have a baking recipe.
You have the right recipe and the right ingredients. Now you follow this recipe step by step and bake this delicious cake.
Do you think you have become a master baker now?
No, of course not! Even if you have the right recipe and ingredients, it doesn't automatically make you a master baker.
The recipe and ingredients are one thing. They are necessary tools for your success. But much more important are the things of your inner world, which consist of your mindset, habits and thoughts.
Also in naked yoga you need precise and good instructions for many yoga postures. You will get them every week in the form of a new video from me. But even more important than the tips and precise instructions is your inner mental attitude.
What do you think about the exercise? Are you motivated enough to get on the yoga mat and practice regularly? Are you too ambitious, too impatient or maybe you don't believe in the positive effects of (naked) yoga?
What is your mental attitude ?
If you practice regularly with the right guidance and the right mental attitude, you too can overcome any position and any problem in life. Even with small steps, which you repeat over and over again, you will eventually reach your goal!