
The best 2 exercises for tension between the shoulder blades 

by  Elke

Today I'm going to show you two simple but very effective exercises in my video if you suffer from pain or tension in your back and especially between your shoulder blades. It will only take you 5 minutes.

Games are won in the head

He owns 400 million euros.

In an interview, he was asked how important a life outside of work is to him.

His answer: “Very important, but I have very little time that I can freely dispose of.”

Poor, poor man.

This Bernard Ecclestone.

He has so much money and complains that he can't manage his time freely.

Yoga, and especially naked yoga, changes your life in an extremely positive way.

But what do I hear again and again?

“I don't have time.”

Yes, where is it, dear time?

In your pocket or in your coat?

Time is never a question of what you have, but always a priority.

A quick question for you:

Are you rich when you have money or when you have time?

Here in the West, the majority of us have (still) opted for the former.

It is a decision. Your decision.

Truly happy people have chosen a different definition for themselves.

They strive for inner wealth. That is true freedom.

You too can choose.

To run like a donkey after the carrot that you can never reach.

Or to take the path inwards.

It's not life that matters, but your thoughts about life and about yourself.

That's what yoga and naked yoga are all about.

About your mind.

Leave out everything on the outside and look at what is still there.

Get completely naked and then look inside.

You'll be surprised what you can discover there.

When you have conquered your spirit, there are no more opponents for you in this world.

Then anything is possible for you.

Games are won in the mind.

There is a beautiful image for this in the Old Testament.

The Israelites were in battle against the Canaanites.

The outnumbered Israelites were led by a woman, Deborah, an old judge.

They asked their leader: “Deborah, will we win?”

“No,” she replied.

“Why not?”

“Because you ask.”

You can always choose.

You always have a choice.

Decide now.

Your Elke


Hallo, ich bin Elke. Seit meinem 16. Lebensjahr praktiziere ich täglich Yoga. Ich liebe und lebe Yoga, Nacktyoga und Fitness. Folge mir hier in die Welt des Nacktyogas.

Hello, my name is Elke. I have been practicing yoga every day since I was 16 years old. I love and live yoga, naked yoga and fitness. Follow me here into the world of naked yoga.

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